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Your DNA. Your Design.

Dot One


You share 99.9% of your DNA with every other human on earth. This leaves just 0.1% of your genes (Dot One %) which make you.. you. 

Dot One creates DNA personalised products as a way of engaging people with their genetic data in a fun and accessible way. 

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I set up Dot One in 2015 whilst working for another consumer genetics startup. I got really obsessed with this field of science and all of the amazing things that people could find out about themselves. It was my first insight into precision medicine, preventative healthcare and gene editing for diseases, and I learnt how understanding our own data could empower us to make our lives better. But, with this relatively new field becoming more consumer facing,  many people feel reluctant to engage with it and so I decided to use the design skills I had to create my own DNA startup - Dot One.

Since launch Dot One has been featured on ITV, BBC and CNBC, in over 50 online and print press articles and has approved API partnerships with two of the largest genomics companies in the US, 23andMe, and Helix (1 of Helix's first 10 partners alongside National Geographic and The Mayo Clinic).

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